Title: Denim for Every Body: Discover Your Jean Fit

How is it that denim is one of the most universal looks yet is the hardest to shop for? Unlike t-shirts, where the margin for error is much wider, denim sizing is tricky and can lead to frustration, especially for women searching for their go-to pair of jeans. 

We’ve been shown one body type and trained to believe that she is the only one who can wear whatever she wants. This is simply not true. When you understand your body type, you unlock a whole world of denim that fits your shape and feels great. 

The Body Types 

Banana: Characterized by a straight or athletic build. 

Pear: more petite upper body and wider lower body, forming a classic pear shape.

Apple: Widest around the middle. Often shorter. 

Strawberry: A broader upper body with a narrower lower half or straight proportions.

Hourglass: Distinguished by curves on top and bottom and a defined waist.

Denim & Your Shape 

Once you’ve identified your shape, it’s time to find your fit. Note: you might be a combination of shapes, so you’ll have to experiment! The exact fit from different brands might flatter one aspect of your form over another. 

For Apple Shapes

Opt for ankle-length skinny jeans to add height.
Try bootcut or flared jeans to streamline and balance proportions. 
Choose stretch denim with 1% comfort stretch. 

For Banana Shapes

Experiment with straight-leg or wide-leg jeans. 
Explore small pocket details for a touch of elegance.

For Strawberry Shapes

Embrace high-waisted jeans and wide-leg styles to flatter your proportions.
Select jeans that are fitted in the thigh and butt. 

For Hourglass Shapes 

Tuck in your tops to highlight your waist.
Embrace high-rise jeans. 
Explore jeans with larger pockets to add dimensions. 

For Pear Shapes

Try flare denim to balance proportions. 
Skinny jeans to elongate the leg.

When we say we make denim for Every Body, we mean it. We’re proud to offer comfortable jeans in multiple sizes, rises, and styles that our community looks and feels great in. It’s our mission to showcase as many body types on our website as possible to ensure you’re seeing yourself in our jeans. 

We use AI-powered technology that asks a few intelligence questions to help you find your perfect pair of denim the first time. We feel every woman has the right to throw on a pair of jeans and leave the house feeling confident and sexy, no matter what. 

Find Your Perfect Size!

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